Saturday, October 26, 2013

Observation Assignment

Hi Everyone,
I would like you to put your observation assignment under this post as a comment.  This assignment is 10 points.  I would like you to summarize all of your observations up to this point and follow the What, So What, Now What structure.  We will discuss this further in class on Thursday the 31st but this is due by November 4, 2013.  Remember the what is short, the so what is the longest section and the now what is in the middle.  You can't talk about everything but I want you to find a way to bring your observations together up to this point and show how your learnings are helping you answer the course essential question.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blog Log

Please remember to send me your Blog Log by 3:00 Friday afternoon.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Thursday 10/10

Hi Everyone,
This is a reminder that Thursday we will meet on campus. We will not be traveling to CF.  We will meet in HBS 214 at 11:10 and go until 1;50.  We will have people visiting the class (from CF and RIC).
Please make sure you bring your blog log, your syllabus, and your text.
Dr. H

Thursday, October 3, 2013


Today seemed huge. I am not really sure why and am trying to wrap my head around everything we discussed, saw and experienced.  So help me.  What did you learn today? What are you learning? Why does this matter in who you are becoming as a professional educator? Does it matter?